“Education Research for Equity and Social Justice in Florida”
Special Issue Editors
- Alysia D. Roehrig, Florida State University, aroehrig@fsu.edu
- Cheron H. Davis, Florida A&M University, cheron.davis@famu.edu
- Tamara Bertrand Jones, Florida State University, tbertrand@fsu.edu
From pre-K to university, education can confer a host of personal and societal benefits to individuals and the nation. Because of the vital importance of education to civic and economic participation, democratic societies must ensure all citizens have equal and equitable access to education. However, despite broad support for the democratic ideals of equality and equity in education, minoritized populations, particularly in Florida, continue to face inequities due to multiple types of oppression, including racism, sexism, classism, and others, and their intersections in schools.
How do we as educators and researchers address and redress social inequities? What are the most pressing social justice issues in Florida schools today? What innovative programs, curricula, and community partnerships are being conducted in and with Florida schools that lead to increased social justice and emancipation? How is education in Florida continuing to reproduce and reconstitute systems of oppressive power, no matter how unintentionally? We are inspired by our colleagues who are champions of social justice, whose activist scholarship highlights and undermines systematic forces of marginalization in Florida’s schools, colleges, and universities. The purpose of this special issue is to take stock of the most pressing equity issues facing Florida schools and to highlight the critical and innovative social justice work of scholars, community activists, and teachers to address those issues.
We invite contributions that focus on pressing social justice issues in Florida schools and schooling, from pre-K to university contexts. We seek a variety of contributions, including commentaries, teacher-inquiries, practice or policy critiques, empirical research, and/or reviews of literature of up to 7,000 words.
Submission Deadlines
- Structured Abstracts (no more than 500 words) by January 15, 2020
- Invite abstract authors to submit full papers by February 1, 2020
- Deadline for submission of full papers by May 15, 2020
- Feedback to authors provided by August 15, 2020
- Final papers completed by November 1, 2020
- Anticipated publication: December 2020
Abstract Submission Instructions
- Please submit an abstract of no more than 500 words to lead editor, Alysia D. Roehrig, aroehrig@fsu.edu.
- Structured abstracts should include the following sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion.
- Along with the abstract, include the names, affiliations, and email contact for all authors and indicate the corresponding author.
Formatting of Final Papers
- Word limits are inclusive of an abstract (150 words max), tables, figures, endnotes, and reference list.
- Please use 12-point Times Roman typeface, double-spaced, 1-inch margins, and APA style.