Graduate Student Poster Award

This award recognizes the best poster and presentation at the graduate student poster session of the annual FERA meeting. Only graduate student members of FERA are eligible to receive this award. All presenters of the poster session are automatically nominated for the award. Attendants of the poster session evaluate posters during the presentations based on a variety of criteria listed in the poster evaluation rubric. Graduate student representatives analyze the rubric scores for each poster; the poster getting the highest score on average is recognized as the best poster (with ties allowed). The award winner is announced at the business luncheon of the FERA annual meeting.

Recent Graduate Student Poster Award winners:

Year Author Poster Title
2024 Courtney Harold, FAMU The Moderating Effect Socioeconomic Status on the Relation Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Mental Health Outcomes for Black Individuals in the US
2023 Elizabeth Kuba, FSC Addressing Mental Health in Graduate Students
2023 Lalakhanim Orujova, USF Critical thinking and transportation: Investigating the depth of understanding of complex scientific ideas among children of different abilities in the early
2023 Daria Smirnova, USF Pregnancy Loss and Workplace Support for Emotional Labor Professionals
2022 Sarah Zeinemann, FSC The Gender Divide in Higher Education: More Women In Higher Education, Yet the Wage Gap Continues
2022 Saeyan Yun, FSU Application of K-modes Clustering to Meta-Analysis Data