FERA Proposal Submission System

The annual conference relies on the same system used by the Florida Journal of Educational Research (FJER). To submit a proposal for the conference you will need to visit: https://journals.flvc.org/fjer/about/submissions. Select the appropriate submission type under Section beginning with the FERA 2024 Conference and the type of proposal. The options are:

FERA 2024 Conference Paper Proposal
FERA 2024 Conference Symposium Proposal
FERA 2024 Graduate Student Poster Proposal
FERA 2024 Teacher Inquiry Strand
FERA 2024 Roundtable Discussion

Instructions for each proposal are found on the submissions page towards the bottom. Please note that you should follow the instructions for the conference and not the journal’s submissions. For example, FERA 2024 Teacher Inquiry Strand is for the conference, and FJER Teacher Inquiry Studies are for the journal submissions.

Some automated emails may make reference to FJER or Journal submissions. This is because the same system is used, and does not mean your proposal was submitted to the journal.