(1) Reading Comprehension: A Function of the Interaction of Learner Aptitude and Text Difficulty
Jacob G. Beard
Florida State University
Donald W. Shontz
Florida State University
Citation: Beard, J. G., & Shontz, D. W. (1968). Reading comprehension: a function of the interaction of learner aptitude and text difficulty level. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 10(2), 33-43.
Download: Beard.102.pdf (1301 downloads )
(2) Appraising Students’ Reactions to an English Program
Peter Dunn-Rankin
University of Hawaii
Citation: Dunn-Rankin, P. (1968). Appraising students’ reactions to an English program. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 10(2), 3-12.
Download: Dunn.102.pdf (1182 downloads )
John Follman
University of South Florida
David Hernandez
Southeastern Educational Laboratory
Citation: Follman, J., & Hernandez, D. (1968). An investigation of the effects of four critical thinking procedures on “culturally disadvantaged” ninth graders. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 10(2), 45-55.
Download: Follman.102.pdf (1046 downloads )
(4) A Comparison of Private and Public Colleges
Marilyn B. Gladney
Southern Bell Telephone Company
John R. Hills
Florida State University
Citation: Gladney, M. B., & Hills, J. R. (1968). A comparison of private and public colleges. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 10(2), 17-22.
Download: Gladney.102.pdf (1910 downloads )
(5) Instructional Program Evaluation: Some Considerations
Ralph L. Hall
Dade County Board of Public Instruction
Citation: Hall, R. L. (1968). Instructional program evaluation: some considerations. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 10(2), 59-64.
Download: Hall.102.pdf (1723 downloads )
(6) Overt Versus Nonovert Responding in Programmed Instruction
Bruce W. Hall
Citation: Hall, B. W. (1968). Overt versus nonovert responding in programmed instruction. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 10(2), 65-75.
Download: Hills.102.pdf (1207 downloads )
(7) Placement From a Decision-Theory Frame of Reference
John R. Hills
Florida State University
Citation: Hills, J. R. (1968). Placement from a decision-theory frame of reference. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 10(2), 77-84.
Download: Hills.102.pdf (1327 downloads )
(8) Social Class Bias and Boys’ Athletics
William F. Hullihan
Florida Atlantic University
Citation: Hullihan, W. F. (1968). Social class bias and boys’ athletics. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 10(2), 13-16.
Download: Hullihan.102.pdf (2005 downloads )
(9) An Exploratory Study of Teacher Effectiveness in Behavioral Science
Harriet Seligsohn
University of South Florida
Citation: Seligsohn, H. (1968). An exploratory study of teacher effectiveness in behavioral science. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 10(2), 23-31.
Download: Seligsohn.102.pdf (1787 downloads )
Robert Stakenas
Florida State University
Donald Coan
Florida State University
Citation: Stakenas, R., & Coan, D. (1968). Integrating social values and scientific values: a developmental conflict for educational researchers. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 10(2), 85-99.
Download: Stakenas.102.pdf (993 downloads )