John J. Convey
Catholic University of America
Citation: Convey, J. J. (1975). The application of simultaneous confidence intervals for multinomial populations to an inventory of plans and goals. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 17(1), 1-12.
Download: Convey.171.pdf (1137 downloads )
(2) A Comparative Evaluation of the Pinellas County Reading System
Jane K. Elligett
Pinellas County Schools
Thomas S. Tocco
Pinellas County Schools
Citation: Elligett, J. K., & Tocco, T. S. (1975). A comparative evaluation of the Pinellas county reading system. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 17(1), 41-46.
Download: Elligett.171.pdf (1756 downloads )
(3) Are Parents Satisfied with their Children’s Education
Marilyn J. Floyd
Citation: Floyd, M. J. (1975). Are parents satisfied with their children’s education. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 17(1), 16-22.
Download: Floyd.171.pdf (1836 downloads )
(4) A Note on the Experimental Treatment of Shakespearean Pagination
Kenneth Majer
Indiana University
Michael Flanigan
Indiana University
Citation: Majer, K., & Flanigan, M. (1975). A not on the experimental treatment of Shakespearean pagination. Florida Journal of Educational Resarch, 17(1), 55-57.
Download: Majer.171.pdf (1956 downloads )
(5) The Instructional Development/Plato Effort in Florida
John R. Merrill
Center for Educational Design
Florida State University
Citation: Merrill, J. R. (1975). The instructional development/plato effort in Florida. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 17(1), 47-54.
Download: Merrill.171.pdf (1332 downloads )
(6) Regression on Factor Scores Without Factor Scores: A Comment and a Program
John D. Morris
University of Florida
Citation: Morris, J. D. (1975). Regression on factor scores without factor scores: a comment and a program. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 17(1), 13-15.
Download: Morris.171.pdf (2014 downloads )
(7) Implementing Mastery Learning in a Teacher Education Program
Anna M. Nelson
Florida Atlantic University
Citation: Nelson, A. M. (1975). Implementing mastery learning in a teacher education program. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 17(1), 23-33.
Download: Nelson.171.pdf (1185 downloads )
(8) A Brave New World for Researchers?
Janice P. Smith
Florida State University
Citation: Smith, J. P. (1975). A brave new world for researchers? Florida Journal of Educational Research, 17(1), 34-40.
Download: Smith.171-1.pdf (1824 downloads )