Journal Current

(1) Discussant Comments: Setting Performance Standards Based on Limited Research

Larry E. Conaway
Research Triangle Institute

Citation: Conaway, L. E. (1976). Discussant comments: setting performance standards based on limited research. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 18(1), 35-36.

Download:  Conaway.181.pdf (1615 downloads )

(2) Florida’s Venture with School Advisory Councils: Problems and Prospects Inferred from Research

Robert Curran
University of Florida

Hank Marks
University of Florida

John Novak
University of Florida

Alanson Van Fleet
University of Florida

Marilyn Thursby
Alachua County School System

Citation: Curran, R., Marks, H., Novak, J., Van Fleet, A., & Thursby, Marilyn (1976). Florida’s venture with school advisory councils: problems and prospects inferred from research. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 18(1), 5-10.

Download:  Curran.181.pdf (969 downloads )

(3) Comments: Measurement Issues Related to Performance Standards

Tom Haladyna
Oregon State System of Higher Education

Citation: Haladyna, T. (1976). Comments: measurement issues related to performance standards. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 18(1), 33-34.

Download:  Haladyna.181.pdf (1512 downloads )

(4) Measurement Consequences of Selected Standard-Setting Models

Richard M. Jaeger
University of South Florida

Citation: Jaeger, R. M. (1976). Measurement consequences of selected standard-setting models. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 18(1), 22-27.

Download:  Jaeger.181.pdf (1159 downloads )

(5) Setting Standards and Living with Them

Loretta A. Shepard
University of Colorado

Citation: Shepard, L. A. (1976). Setting standards and living with them. Florida Journal of Educational of Research, 18(1), 28-32.

Download:  Shepard.181.pdf (1157 downloads )

(6) Performance Standards in Competency-Based Education

Howard W. Stoker
Florida State University

Citation: Stoker, H. W. (1976). Performance standards in competency-based education. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 18(1), 20-21.

Download:  Stoker.181.pdf (1603 downloads )

(7) Credit-by-Examination as Seen by Secondary School Teachers and Coordinators of Accountability in Florida

G. Emerson Tully
State University System of Florida

Abstract: A sample of secondary school teachers, and most of the district coordinators for testing and evaluation in Florida, responded to a series of questionnaires designed to obtain their views concerning the awarding of college level course credit as the result of achieving a designated cutoff score on an examination. Descriptive brochures for the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) and the Advanced Placement Pro- gram (APP) were included with the questionnaires for review by tile survey participants. Questionnaire analyses revealed that there is considerable support for the concept of credit- by-examination programs for high school students, that the CLEP and the APP materials are of very high quality but are inadequate as study aids, that credit-by-examination is a positive motivating force for high school students, and that greater emphasis should be given the availability of credit-by- examination. Furthermore, concern was expressed over the divergent approaches to credit-by-examination used by the CLEP and the APP as evidenced by the feeling that the CLEP may be inferior to the APP because CLEP examinations appear to be less difficult.

Citation: Tully, G. E. (1976). Credit-by-examination as seen by secondary school teachers and coordinators of accountability in Florida. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 18(1), 1-4.

Download:  Tully.181.pdf (1163 downloads )

(8) Consistency of Educational and Occupational Aspirations and Expectations for Florida’s Eighth-Grade Students

Stephen J. Zammit
Florida State University

Jacob G. Beard
Florida State University

Citation: Zammit, S. J., & Beard, J. G. (1976). Consistency of educational and occupational aspirations and expectations for Florida’s eighth-grade students. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 18(1), 11-16.

Download:  Zammit.181.pdf (1157 downloads )