(14) Characteristics and Attitudes of College Students in Relation to Marijuana

Stephen S. Sledjesky
Santa Fe Junior College

Wilson H. Guertin
University of Florida

Abstract: The dual purpose of this study was (1) to examine attitudes of college students in relation to marijuana to discover interrelations of opinions regarding its use, and (2) to determine differences between smokers of marijuana and non- smokers on demographic data, Factor analysis-and item tallies were used, respectively, in analyzing the degree of agreement with opinion items on a Questionnaire designed by the senior author. The demographic data suggested few differences between smokers of marijuana and nan-smokers of marijuana an the eight categories investigated. The differences that were found were in the categories of cigarette smoking and planned major field of study. Regarding the factor analysis of attitudes, nine factors were farmed which expressed varied degrees of knowledge and acceptance of marijuana plus caution at its use and society’s erroneous interpretation of its effects.

Citation: Sledjesky, S. S., & Guertin, W. H. (1971). Characteristics and attitudes of college students in relation to marijuana. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 13(1), 14-22.

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