(2) Advancement Via Individual Determination: The Relationship of Program Participation in Middle School with Behavioral Outcomes in Ninth Grade

Abigail Todhunter-Reid
School District of Palm Beach County

Using the Coarsened Exact Matching approach, this study examines whether students who take AVID electives in middle school have better ninth-grade behavioral outcomes than comparable students who do not take AVID electives. Findings indicate that students who complete at least one AVID elective from sixth grade to ninth grade have fewer disciplinary referrals, miss fewer days of school, and take more advanced courses in ninth grade than comparable students who do not complete an AVID elective.

Todhunter-Reid, A. (2019). Advancement via individual determination: The relationship of program participation in middle school with behavioral outcomes in ninth grade. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 57(2), 4-9.

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