(2) Analyzing High School Administrators’ Knowledge and Confidence to Provide Instructional Leadership in Digital School Environments

Andrew Shepherd
University of Central Florida

The purpose of this study was to examine high school administrators’ perceived knowledge and confidence to lead in a digital school (one-to-one classroom) environment. This study utilized the 62-item Digital Instructional Leadership Readiness Instrument (DILRI; Taylor & Shepherd, 2016) to measure high school administrators’ knowledge and confidence to lead in a digital school environment. High school administrators within the target school district completed the DILRI at two separate points in time: September 2016 and June 2017. Based on these two administrations, this study’s three research questions were answered. Based on the data collected, Experience Supervising Others and Colleagues were the two factors the surveyed high school administrators ranked as influencing their knowledge and confidence. Additionally, high school administrators indicated they perceive themselves to be knowledgeable and confident in developing digital school culture factors of Leadership Teams, Empowering Teachers, and Shared Vision. This study provides administrators, directors, school boards, superintendents, and other school district leaders with relevant information relating to the self-reported readiness of high school administrators to lead in a digital school environment.

Shepherd, A. (2019). Analyzing high school administrators’ knowledge and confidence to provide instructional leadership in digital school environments. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 57(2), 10-17.

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