(4) Teaching Writing as a Process: Evaluation for District Decision-Making

Lore A. Nielsen
Hillsborough County Public Schools

Susan D. Turner
Hillsborough County Public Schools

Abstract: New instructional programs should evolve using formative evaluation as a tool for program development. Formative evaluation of program implementation and student performance was used to assess a new writing program used in 11 Hillsborough County elementary schools. Twenty-one teachers and 600 fourth and fifth grade students participated. Teachers were interviewed, 200 randomly selected students’ writing samples before and after instruction were evaluated, and students completed an attitude survey. Teachers perceived that the program was implemented as intended but reported that they need more specific feedback on their methods. Students writing skill improved and their attitudes about writing were more positive. Specific areas for program improvement were identified.

Citation: Nielsen, L. A., & Turner, S. D. (1984). Teaching writing as a process: evaluation for district decision-making. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 26(1), 93-108.

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