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IssueM Articles

(5) Student Perception in a Dual Enrollment Magnet High School on a College Campus

Keisha McIntyre-McCullough
Florida International University


Socioemotional research on advanced academic students is limited. Therefore, exploring student perceptions about their experience in one dual enrollment magnet school became a goal for this 2018 microethnographic study. As such, the following overarching research question guided the interviews and surveys of 34 students: How do students perceive their dual enrollment experience on a college campus? The findings were that students were conflicted in their perception about their program while they were adamant about how parents, teachers, and professors should engage with them. The implications deal with college and high school dual enrollment policies, recruitment, socioemotional learning for advanced academic students, parents, and educational professionals.


McIntyre-McCullough, K. (2020).  Student Perception in a Dual Enrollment Magnet High School on a College Campus. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 58(5), 1-13.

Download: McIntyreMcCullough585.pdf (1522 downloads )

(4) Teaching with Multiple Strategies: An Investigation of Elementary Teachers’ Understandings during a Lesson Study Cycle

Guillermo J. Farfan
Florida State University

Aki Murata
University of Florida

Alysia Roehrig
Florida State University


Viewing teachers as learners of policy reform, this exploratory study examines a group of elementary mathematics teachers as they discussed teaching with multiple strategies as found in the new Mathematics Florida Standards during a lesson study cycle. In particular, it describes how teachers: (a) advance different explanations for teaching with multiple strategies in the new standards, and (b) anticipate or recognize major obstacles to the implementation of these new standards. Considerations of this study’s results to further research on teacher professional development and educational reform are also briefly discussed.


Farfan, G., Murata, A., & Roehrig, A. (2020).  Teaching with Multiple Strategies: An Investigation of Elementary Teachers’ Understandings during a Lesson Study Cycle. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 58(4), 1-18.

Download: Farfan.584.pdf (1133 downloads )

(3) Estimating the Effect of Florida’s Low-100 Reading Program: Summarizing Regression Discontinuity Models with Bayesian Model Averaging

Seyfullah Tingir
Cambium Assessment

Russell Almond
Florida State University

Seyma Intepe-Tingir
University of St. Thomas


In 2013, the state of Florida mandated an additional hour of intensive reading instruction for the lowest-performing 100 elementary schools across Florida. This requirement was implemented during the 2013–2014 academic year based on the schools’ ranking in 2012–2013. This study assesses the effectiveness of the extra-hour intervention by using a regression discontinuity design (RDD). Often RDD analyses fit multiple models and then select a single best model using stepwise regression leading to overestimation of the effect size and underestimation of the standard error. This study used the Bayesian model averaging approach, which incorporates uncertainty about the best model. The estimated treatment effect, averaged over the six models and weighted by the models’ posterior probabilities, is 6.1 points (d = .25) with a 95% confidence interval of 5.8 to 6.4 points.


Tingir, S., Almond, R., & Intepe-Tingir, S. (2020).  Estimating the Effect of Florida’s Low-100 Reading Program: Summarizing Regression Discontinuity Models with Bayesian Model Averaging. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 58(3), 1-14.

Download: Tingir.583.pdf (991 downloads )

(2) Moving Beyond Damned if You Do, Damned if You Don’t: Readiness for Change

Kristina N. LaVenia Bowling
Green State University

Laura B. Lang
Florida State University


We know little about the supports principals need to lead change. This lack of knowledge is unfortunate, because principal leadership is understood to be critical for successful school reform. Using a randomized control trial, we tested whether the opportunity to participate in a year-long, content-focused professional development intervention would help principals feel prepared to provide instructional leadership for the transition to new standards. Results suggest professional development was impactful for principals’ self-reported attitudes toward facilitating the implementation of new standards. Study findings offer support for use of professional development as a means of building principals’ ability to lead change efforts.


LaVenia, K.N., Lang, L.B. (2020). Moving beyond damned if you do, damned if you don’t: Readiness for change. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 58(2), 1-21.

Download: LaVenia.582.pdf (899 downloads )

(1) Facilitating Culturally Responsive Classroom Management Professional Development for Novice Teachers in a High-Needs School With a Majority Black Population

Kimberly Miccichi
Pinellas County Schools


In today’s era of resegregation, high-needs schools that are serving mostly students of color and from poverty often hire novice teachers. These teachers are predominantly White, middle-class females who may find it difficult to relate to their students from different races, cultures, and socioeconomic backgrounds. I examined how I could provide four professional development (PD) sessions centered on culturally responsive classroom management (CRCM) for five novice teachers working in a school with a majority Black population qualifying for free and reduced-price lunches. I studied the experiences my teachers had as participants and my facilitation of these sessions to better understand how to help novice teachers develop culturally responsive practices. Three themes emerged that related to CRCM for novice teachers: novice teacher backgrounds, novice teacher classroom challenges, and facilitation–lessons learned. This study has implications for school leaders as well as individuals who (a) design and facilitate PD, (b) lead teacher preparation and induction programs, and (c) study their own practice through action research.


Miccichi, K. (2020). Facilitating culturally responsive classroom management professional development for novice teachers in a high-needs school with a majority Black population. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 58(1), 1-11.

Download: Miccichi_581.pdf (1326 downloads )