Henry Chauncey
President, Educational Testing Service
Princeton, New Jersey
Citation: Chauncey, H. (1964). What’s right with testing. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 6(1), 87-102.
Download: Chauncey.61.pdf (969 downloads )
Henry Chauncey
President, Educational Testing Service
Princeton, New Jersey
Citation: Chauncey, H. (1964). What’s right with testing. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 6(1), 87-102.
Download: Chauncey.61.pdf (969 downloads )
John R. Hills
Director, Testing and Guidance
Regents of the University System of Georgia
Atlanta, Georgia
Citation: Hills, J. R. (1964). Review of Testing, Testing, Testing. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 6(1), 103-109.
Download: Hills.61.pdf (1011 downloads )
B. Frank Brown
Principal, Melbourne High School
Brevard County
Citation: Brown, B. F. (1964). Review of Testing, Testing, Testing. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 6(1), 103-109.
Download: Brown.61.pdf (1255 downloads )
Annie W. Ward
Volusia County
Citation: Ward, A. W. (1964). Evaluation of a kindergarten program as compared with small first grade classes. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 6(1), 19-24.
Download: Ward.61.pdf (1868 downloads )
H. W. Stoker
Florida State University
R. P. Kropp
Florida State University
W. L. Bashaw
Florida State University
Citation: Stoker, H. W., Kropp, R. P., & Bashaw, W. L. (1964). A comparison of scores obtained through normal and visual administrations of the occupational interest inventory. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 6(1), 63-72.
Download: Stoker.61.pdf (1235 downloads )