John E. Dobbin
Project Director, Educational Testing Service
Citation: Dobbin, J. E. (1965). The dimensions of educational achievement. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 7(1), 102-110.
Download: Dobbin.71.pdf (996 downloads )
John E. Dobbin
Project Director, Educational Testing Service
Citation: Dobbin, J. E. (1965). The dimensions of educational achievement. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 7(1), 102-110.
Download: Dobbin.71.pdf (996 downloads )
Jacob G. Beard
Florida Institute for Continuing University Studies
Citation: Beard, J. G. (1965). Predicting a single criterion from multiple predictors: mathematical weighting. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 7(1), 80-85.
Download: Beard.71.pdf (1899 downloads )
W. L. Bashaw
Florida State University
Citation: Bashaw, W. L. (1965). Multiple predictors and multiple criteria. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 7(1), 94-99.
Download: Basaw.71.pdf (1286 downloads )
Annie W. Ward
Volusia County Board of Public Instruction
Citation: Ward, A. W. (1965). Evaluation of the double language arts period at DeLand junior high. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 7(1), 29-34.
Download: Ward.71.pdf (1921 downloads )
Catherine H. Sorensen
Okalossa-Walton Junior College
Citation: Sorensen, C. H. (1965). Functions of the foreign language laboratory in the junior colleges of Florida. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 7(1), 10-15.
Download: Sorensen.71.pdf (1225 downloads )