Issue: 1972 Volume 14

(6) Effects of Social Modeling on Classroom Performance

Michael S. Heffernan

Steven R. Forness

Abstract: The effects of peer modeling on academic task attention were examined in three subjects using a single- subject research design. Models we re chosen on the basis of playground observations and introduced for brief periods in the classroom near the target subjects. Positive effects were present in two subjects, but adverse effects were found in the third. Differential uses of modeling techniques in the classroom were discussed.

Citation: Heffernan, M. S., & Forness, S. R. (1972). Effects of social modeling on classroom performance. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 14(1), 3-9.

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(5) The Multidimensional Assessment of Gains in School (MAGS): A Consumer-Oriented Product

Wilson H. Guertin
University of Florida

William H. Graves
University of Oklahoma

Abstract: An instrument is described which measures gains in the social, attitudinal, and motivational areas for fifth grade school children. Total gain is based upon consumer-specified weights for the factor analytically derived subscale scores.

Citation: Guertin, W. H., & Graves, W. H. (1972). The multidimensional assessment of gains in school (MAGS): a consumer-oriented product. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 14(1), 16-22.

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(4) The Making of Professions

Wilson H. Guertin
University of Florida

Abstract: Some reminiscences on the growth of clinical psychology as a profession are examined with the hope of finding implications for the beginnings of educational research as a profession.

Citation: Guertin, W. H. (1972). The making of professions. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 14(1), 89-93.

Download:  Guertin.141.pdf (1977 downloads )

(3) Grouping Florida School Districts: A Factor Analytical Study

Martha J. Chang
University of Florida

Abstract: Socio-econornic, educational, and political data of the 67 Florida counties are examined. First the data are factor analyzed to identify common underlying dimensions, Next, a distance measure was used to set up a matrix of interprofile similarities to be factor analyzed to give types of counties. Thirteen meaningful factors could be substituted for the 74 variables. On transposed analysis, seven type factors were found for the Florida counties.

Citation: Chang, M. J. (1972). Grouping Florida school districts: a factor analytic study. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 14(1), 44-58.

Download:  Chang.14.1.pdf (1354 downloads )