Janice P. Smith
Florida State University
Citation: Smith, J. P. (1975). A brave new world for researchers? Florida Journal of Educational Research, 17(1), 34-40.
Download: Smith.171-1.pdf (2008 downloads )
Janice P. Smith
Florida State University
Citation: Smith, J. P. (1975). A brave new world for researchers? Florida Journal of Educational Research, 17(1), 34-40.
Download: Smith.171-1.pdf (2008 downloads )
Anna M. Nelson
Florida Atlantic University
Citation: Nelson, A. M. (1975). Implementing mastery learning in a teacher education program. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 17(1), 23-33.
Download: Nelson.171.pdf (1257 downloads )
John D. Morris
University of Florida
Citation: Morris, J. D. (1975). Regression on factor scores without factor scores: a comment and a program. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 17(1), 13-15.
Download: Morris.171.pdf (2210 downloads )
John R. Merrill
Center for Educational Design
Florida State University
Citation: Merrill, J. R. (1975). The instructional development/plato effort in Florida. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 17(1), 47-54.
Download: Merrill.171.pdf (1511 downloads )
Kenneth Majer
Indiana University
Michael Flanigan
Indiana University
Citation: Majer, K., & Flanigan, M. (1975). A not on the experimental treatment of Shakespearean pagination. Florida Journal of Educational Resarch, 17(1), 55-57.
Download: Majer.171.pdf (2151 downloads )