(1) Longitudinal Effects of Retention and Promotion in Kindergarten on Academic Achievement
Madhabi Banerji
District School Board of Pasco County
Abstract: Same-year and same-grade comparisons were made of a matched sample of students retained in and promoted after one year from kindergarten. longitudinal performance in first, second, and third grades was studied using standardized test scores in reading and mathematics, and students’ performances were compared using multivariate analyses and Bonferroni comparisons. For both the same-year and the same-grade comparisons, significant group effects were found in reading; however, significant group effects were found in mathematics only for same grade comparisons. Significant interaction effects were found for both disciplines.
Citation: Benergi, M. (1988). Longitudinal effects of retention and promotion in kindergarten on academic achievement. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 30(1), 59-72.
Download: Banerji.301.pdf (1075 downloads )
Karen Biraimah
University of Central Florida
Abstract: The career expectations of 200 randomly selected preservice teachers were examined by gender, socioeconomic status (SES) and academic achievement levels (GPA). Expectations were different for females and males and for students of differing SES levels. While GPA was not different for any of these groups, university degree expectations were different for females and males and for SES groups.
Citation: Biraimah, K. (1988). Preservice teachers’ career expectations by gender, socioeconomic status, and academic achievement levels. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 30(1), 83-91.
Download: Biraimah.301.pdf (1206 downloads )
(3) Statistical Rules-of-Thumb
James K. Brewer
Florida State University
Abstract: Six best-selling introductory behavioral statistics and two well-known sampling theory textbooks were reviewed for the presence of rules-of-thumb, The relative frequency and type of rules are reported along with a discussion of their implications for teaching statistics at the introductory level.
Citation: Brewer, J. K. (1988). Statistical rules-of-thumb. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 30(1), 5-14.
Download: Brewer.301.pdf (1422 downloads )
(4) A Computer Needs Analysis Model for School District Testing and Evaluation Offices
Sylvia Kay Fisher
Pinellas County School District
Hirohide Shibutani
Pinellas County School District
Abstract: A generalizeable systems-based needs analysis model was developed to help school district testing and evaluation offices evaluate current problems with their information processing systems and identify additional computer capabilities required to upgrade their system. The model was implemented with the Pinellas County School District Department of Program Evaluation and resulted in a cost-effective prescription for improving their current computer capabilities.
Citation: Fisher, S. K., & Shibutani, H. (1988). A computer needs analysis model for school district testing and evaluation offices. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 30(1), 45-58.
Download: Fisher2.301.pdf (1244 downloads )
(5) Criteria for Selling Needs Priorities: The Practitioner’s Perspective
Garrett R. Foster
Florida State University
Margareda Southard
Boston University
Abstract: A survey of instructional, administrative, and policy level personnel who participated in needs assessment studies in twelve Florida school districts revealed several problems in the use of the discrepancy model in needs assessment. These problems relate to the use of size of discrepancy as a basis for establishing needs priorities and to the setting of priorities without adequate consideration of potential solutions. Alternative criteria and procedures for setting needs priorities are presented.
Citation: Foster, G. R., & Southard, M. (1988). Criteria for selling needs priorities: the practitioner’s perspective. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 30(1), 35-43.
Download: Foster.301.pdf (1915 downloads )
(6) Evaluating the Use of Word Processors in Teaching Writing Composition
Margaret A. Moore
Eastern Michigan University
Susan Turner
Hillsborough School District
Abstract: This exploratory study evaluated the effects of using word processors to aid fourth and fifth grade students in developing writing skills. Results suggest that the compositions of students who used word processors improved more than those of students who did not. An analysis of students’ composition revision characteristics indicates that students who used word processors made more revisions and that their revisions were more meaningful than those of students who did not use word processors.
Citation: Moore, M. A., & Turner, S. (1988). Evaluating the use of word processors in teaching writing composition. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 30(1), 73-82.
Download: Moore.301.pdf (1284 downloads )
(7) Ridge Regression for Interactive Models
Richard L. Tate
Florida State University
Abstract: An exploratory study of the value of ridge regression for interactive models is reported. Assuming that the linear terms in a simple interactive model are centered to eliminate nonessential multicollinearity, a variety of common models, representing both ordinal and disordinal interactions, are shown to have “orientations” which are favorable to ridge regression. Comparisons of the potential efficiency of ridge regression to that of ordinary least squares across a wide range of conditions clearly suggest the value of ridge procedures for many centered interactive models.
Citation: Tate, R. L. (1988). Ridge regression for interactive models. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 30(1), 15-33.
Download: Tate.301.pdf (1096 downloads )