(1) Effect of Field-Based Technology Laboratory on Preservice Teachers’ Knowledge, Attitudes, and Infusion of Technology

Arlene Brett
University of Miami

Okhee Lee
University of Miami

Linda Sorhaindo
University of Miami

Abstract: Teacher competence in technology is a major focus of current teacher education reform. This study examined the impact of a field-based technology laboratory on preservice teachers’ knowledge and use of computers, attitudes toward computers, and understanding of infusion of technology. The study involved 105 teacher education students: 58 in the experimental group and 47 in the control group. ANCOVA results showed significant differences between groups in the use of data bases and instructional software. Qualitative analysis of students’ journal entries revealed changes in understanding of infusion of technology. Results suggest field based technology laboratory can be an effective way to introduce preservice teachers to the potential of technology in classroom instruction.

Citation: Brett, A., Lee, O., & Sorhaindo, L. (1997). Effect of field-based technology laboratory on preservice teachers’ knowledge, attitudes, and infusion of technology. Florida Journal of Educational Technology, 37(1), 1-16.

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