(1) Understanding Successful Learning Experiences of African American Male Student Athletes to Address Deficient Scholarship

Kendrick Scott
Lynn University


This study explored the successful learning experiences of African American male studentathletes (AAMSAs) who participated in revenue-generating sports at Division I colleges and universities. The purpose of this qualitative study was to understand, from the perspectives of AAMSAs, their successful learning experiences, and those salient leadership experiences that influenced them. This study expands on previous qualitative research of AAMSAs by using appreciative inquiry as a philosophical approach to recognize their successful learning experiences. Five AAMSAs from Florida universities were interviewed to gather information about their learning experiences. A phenomenological hermeneutic analysis was used to determine the meanings of the participants’ experiences. The research indicates that successful learning of AAMSAs is supported by high leader beliefs and expectations. Practical implications from these results reveal that exploration of different learning methods remains necessary for AAMSAs. The findings may provide methods that leaders may use to engender the successful learning of AAMSAs.


Scott, K. (2021).  Understanding Successful Learning Experiences of African American Male Student Athletes to Address Deficient Scholarship. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 59(1), 90-105.

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