Mickey MacDonald
P. K. Yonge Developmental Research School
The elimination of academic tracking alongside a move to institute standards-based assessment and proficiency-based learning led a biology teacher to adopt the national Next Generation Science Standards along with the three-dimensional learning framework for instruction and assessment which led to two questions of practice: (a) What is three-dimensional learning? and (b) How can three-dimensional learning be implemented within a high school biology course? Pre- and post-test data, and student scientific arguments were examined during the implementation of a pilot three-dimensional learning unit on evolution. Results from analyses of these data led the biology teacher to seek professional learning to deepen her understanding of three-dimensional learning and to develop scaffolds to support students in transitioning to this change in assessment practice.
MacDonald, M. (2019). Three-dimensional science learning and assessment in biology. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 57(2), 49-61.
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