(3) Blueprint 2000 Student Performance Standards: What Variables Correlate with Teacher Perceptions of Goal 3?

Rich Janiak
Charlotte County Public Schools

Abstract: Many previous educational reform efforts have ultimately failed to meet initial expectations. One critical factor, easily over-looked in the reform process, is teacher attitude. Using attitude theory and research on teacher attitudes, instruments were developed to measure teacher attitudes toward the Blueprint 2000 student performance standards and student assessment procedures. A sample of 138 teachers completed a survey measuring attitudes toward Goal 3 standards and type of assessment. Teachers rated the standards as being important instructional objectives, and a moderate correlation between attitude toward performance based assessment and attitude toward Goal 3 standards was observed. Implications are discussed.

Citation: Janiak, R. (1997). Blueprint 2000 student performance standards: what variables correlate with teacher perceptions of goal 3? Florida Journal of Educational Research, 37(1), 35-48.

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