(4) Piles, and Number and Kind of Categories, in Theme Grading

John Follman
University of South Florida

Abstract: Three studies dealing with the effect of sorting essays into piles on the reliability and level of grades awarded are reported. In the first study, 40 S’s were randomly assigned to one of four experimental conditions; in the second study, 30 S’s were randomly assigned to one of six conditions; and in the third, 32 S’s were assigned to one of eight conditions.The conditions involved combinations of piles or no piles and different grading systems. In each study, the S’s graded 12 typical high school senior and/or college freshman themes. It was concluded that the use of piles neither increases group grading reliability estimates nor greatly influences the level of grades awarded.

Citation: Follman, J. (1974). Piles, and number and kind of categories, in theme grading. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 16(1), 67-73.

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