(5) Distributed Practice: More Bang for Your Homework Buck

Marie A. Revak
United States Air Force Academy

Abstract: Homework is commonplace in math classrooms, yet little research has been conducted on the differential effectiveness of homework for students with varying aptitudes. In this study, distributed practice homework bolstered the achievement of low achieving college math students. The sample consisted of 351 US Air Force Academy cadets all in their first semester of college. An algebra/trigonometry placement exam measured prior mathematics achievement and a subset of 25 items from the Math Anxiety Rating Scale measured math anxiety (Alexander & Martray, 1989). Data were analyzed using hierarchical multiple regression. Treatment group students outscored control group students on 4 of the 6 achievement measures without regard for prior math achievement or math anxiety (alpha = .05).

Citation: Revak, M. A. (1997). (5) Distributed practice: more bang for your homework buck. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 37(1), 49-68.

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