Archives: Articles

IssueM Articles

(4) Innovations in Mentoring: Creating Partnership Links in a Florida School-University Collaborative

Carol A. Mullen
Auburn University

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to invite school and university faculty to participate in an action study of mentoring to promote deeper, more extensive partnership links. A faculty support group was formed in 1997 to promote professional development within the school-university collaborative at The Florida State University (FSU) and The Florida State University School (FSUS). Through an applied study of mentoring, a diverse group of teachers, professors, and administrators was guided to make a contribution to teacher research and the mentoring literature. Members of the Partnership Support Group (PSG) produced original research material that was published as an edited book. This discussion is organized to emphasize the purpose and scope of the study; the sociopolitical framework that underscored its implementation; strategies for developing co- mentoring research and group structures; and assessments and results.

Citation: Mullen, C. A. (1998). Innovations in mentoring: creating partnership links in a Florida school-university collaborative. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 38(1), 27-36.

Download:  Mullen.381.pdf (1149 downloads )

(3) Merit Pay for Productivity: Does It Work?

James Messerschmidt
University of West Florida

Lee Droegemueller
University of West Florida

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine what impact the 1995-1996 State University System’s Teacher Incentive Program (TIP) had on the University of West Florida faculty members’ motivation to become more effective and productive teachers. Two separate and distinct instruments were utilized to gather data to address the study’s research questions and statistical hypothesis. Results of this study indicate that TIP did not motivate most faculty members to improve the quality of their teaching; TIP selection was based entirely on productivity and not an objective measurement of teaching ability; there was a strong link between productivity and winning the award; TIP motivated faculty members to increase their teaching load in order to be eligible for the award; and TIP has a negative effect on the morale of faculty members.

Citation: Messerschmidt, J., & Drogemueller, L. (1998). Merit pay for productivity: does it work? Florida Journal of Educational Research, 38(1), 37-48.

Download:  Messerschmidt.381.pdf (1057 downloads )

(2) Are Tip Award Teachers Really Expert Teachers?

Jeffrey D. Kromrey
University of South Florida

Kathryn L. Laframboise
University of South Florida

Daniel M. Purdom
University of South Florida

Abstract: The TIP application portfolio narratives of39 award winning faculty members were analyzed for statements congruent with the prototype model of teaching expertise suggested by Sternberg and Horvath (1995). Faculty participants were selected from a college of education and a college of arts and sciences at a large Florida university. A content analysis of the narratives revealed faculty descriptions of personal teaching philosophies and practices that are congruent with most aspects of the Sternberg and Horvath model. Evidence of knowledge and efficiency was readily obtained from the narratives, but evidence of insight was seen much less frequently. Additionally, the narratives suggested important aspects of teaching expertise that are not represented in the Sternberg and Horvath model.

Citation: Kromrey, J. D., Laframboise, K. L., & Purdom, D. M. (1998). Are tip award teachers really expert teachers? Florida Journal of Educational Research, 38(1), 65-74.

Download: Kromfrey.381.pdf (991 downloads )

(1) New Forms of Assessment in Reading: Capturing the Gist of Student Performance

Margaret Jorgensen
Educational Testing Service
Atlanta, Georgia

Martha-Anne McDevitt
Educational Testing Service
Atlanta, Georgia

Trudy Hensley
Educational Testing Service
Atlanta, Georgia

Sandra Wolfe
Polk County Public Schools
Winter Haven, Florida

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to share both the process and products of an innovative development project in reading comprehension assessment. This applied research project addressed the need for a valid and reliable measure that would capture credible and systematic evidence of reading comprehension abilities that teachers believed had been achieved by their students but were not being measured by traditional, standardized, norm-referenced multiple-choice tests. A notable challenge in this project was to develop an assessment with an engaging format and structure and to do so in a familiar context for reading that reflected sound instructional strategies.

Citation: Jorgensen, M., McDevitt, M., Hensley, T., & Wolfe, S. (1998). New forms of assessment in reading: capturing the gist of student performance. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 38(1), 1-12.

Download:  Jorgensen.381.pdf (1012 downloads )

(5) Distributed Practice: More Bang for Your Homework Buck

Marie A. Revak
United States Air Force Academy

Abstract: Homework is commonplace in math classrooms, yet little research has been conducted on the differential effectiveness of homework for students with varying aptitudes. In this study, distributed practice homework bolstered the achievement of low achieving college math students. The sample consisted of 351 US Air Force Academy cadets all in their first semester of college. An algebra/trigonometry placement exam measured prior mathematics achievement and a subset of 25 items from the Math Anxiety Rating Scale measured math anxiety (Alexander & Martray, 1989). Data were analyzed using hierarchical multiple regression. Treatment group students outscored control group students on 4 of the 6 achievement measures without regard for prior math achievement or math anxiety (alpha = .05).

Citation: Revak, M. A. (1997). (5) Distributed practice: more bang for your homework buck. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 37(1), 49-68.

Download:  Revac.371.pdf (839 downloads )