Archives: Articles

IssueM Articles

(3) Statistical Rules-of-Thumb

James K. Brewer
Florida State University

Abstract: Six best-selling introductory behavioral statistics and two well-known sampling theory textbooks were reviewed for the presence of rules-of-thumb, The relative frequency and type of rules are reported along with a discussion of their implications for teaching statistics at the introductory level.

Citation: Brewer, J. K. (1988). Statistical rules-of-thumb. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 30(1), 5-14.

Download:  Brewer.301.pdf (1246 downloads )

(2) Preservice Teachers’ Career Expectations by Gender, Socioeconomic Status, and Academic Achievement Levels

Karen Biraimah
University of Central Florida

Abstract: The career expectations of 200 randomly selected preservice teachers were examined by gender, socioeconomic status (SES) and academic achievement levels (GPA). Expectations were different for females and males and for students of differing SES levels. While GPA was not different for any of these groups, university degree expectations were different for females and males and for SES groups.

Citation: Biraimah, K. (1988). Preservice teachers’ career expectations by gender, socioeconomic status, and academic achievement levels. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 30(1), 83-91.

Download:  Biraimah.301.pdf (1086 downloads )

(1) Longitudinal Effects of Retention and Promotion in Kindergarten on Academic Achievement

Madhabi Banerji
District School Board of Pasco County

Abstract: Same-year and same-grade comparisons were made of a matched sample of students retained in and promoted after one year from kindergarten. longitudinal performance in first, second, and third grades was studied using standardized test scores in reading and mathematics, and students’ performances were compared using multivariate analyses and Bonferroni comparisons. For both the same-year and the same-grade comparisons, significant group effects were found in reading; however, significant group effects were found in mathematics only for same grade comparisons. Significant interaction effects were found for both disciplines.

Citation: Benergi, M. (1988). Longitudinal effects of retention and promotion in kindergarten on academic achievement. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 30(1), 59-72.

Download:  Banerji.301.pdf (987 downloads )

(5) Intervention Coaching for Mathematics Implementation: A C-BAM Application for School Improvement

Lore A. Nielsen
Hillsborough County Public Schools

Susan Douglas Turner
Hillsborough County Public Schools

Abstract: A school improvement model intended to facilitate the implementation of a new mathematics curriculum in a large heterogeneous school district is described. The model is based primarily on the concepts and components of the Concerns-Based Adoption Model, and it includes theory and research findings from recent studies involving the role of the principal in the change process and supervisory coaching. Tentative findings indicate that the model is a viable one for bringing about change in the implementation of a new curriculum program.

Citation: Nielsen, L. A., & Turner, S. D. (1987). Intervention coaching for mathematics implementation: a C-BAM application for school improvement. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 29(1), 73-100.

Download:  Nielsen.291.pdf (868 downloads )

(4) The Effect of Test Speededness on the Validity of Reading Comprehension Scores

S. J. Jolly
Palm Beach County, Florida, Schools

R. Johnson
Palm Beach County, Florida, Schools

B. J. Jones
Palm Beach County, Florida, Schools

J. Abalos
Palm Beach County, Florida, Schools

G. W. Gramenz
Palm Beach County, Florida, Schools

Abstract: This study examined irregularities in reading comprehension (RC) test results at both the individual and aggregate level focusing on the effect of test speededness on test scores. Individual student and classroom score profiles were grouped on the basis of RC subtest completion rates. Groups that completed the RC subtest scored lower on other battery subtests (e.g., Language) than did those that did not complete the RC measure. Given these results, the test publisher agreed to generate norms based on the first 40 items of the 60-item RC sub- test, using the Rasch model. Rescoring the RC subtest with the 40-item norms substantially corrected score irregularities. The implications of these findings for test score validity are discussed.

Citation: Jolly, S. J., Johnson, R., Jones, B. J., Abalos, J., & Gramenz, G. W. (1987). The effect of Test speededness on the validity of reading comprehension scores. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 29(1), 39-54.

Download:  Jolly.291.pdf (1136 downloads )