James Parker
Pinellas County
Citation: Parker, J. (1961). The school psychologist in Florida. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 3(1), 73-76.
Download: Parker.31.pdf (1895 downloads )
James Parker
Pinellas County
Citation: Parker, J. (1961). The school psychologist in Florida. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 3(1), 73-76.
Download: Parker.31.pdf (1895 downloads )
John T. Lovell
Auburn University
Harrison C. Godfrey
Auburn University
Citation: Lovell, J. T., & Godfrey, H. C. (1961). (5) A local school uses the scientific method to solve its grouping problems. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 3(1), 57-66.
Download: Lovell.31.pdf (1023 downloads )
H. George Loiselle
Dade County
Citation: Loiselle, H. G. (1961). An experiment in the use of machine-scored answer sheets with fifth-grade pupils. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 3(1), 33-37.
Download: Loiselle.31.pdf (1952 downloads )
Glorida E. Gabrielson
University of Florida
William D. Spears
University of Florida
Elwin Abplanalp
Hillsborough County
Citation: Gabrielson, G. E., Spears, W. D., & Abplanalp, E. (1961). A “middle road” to homogeneous grouping: an experiment. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 3(1), 29-32.
Download: Gabrielson.31.pdf (1941 downloads )
Marian V. Davis
P. K. Yonge Laboratory School
Frank MacDonald
P. K. Yonge Laboratory School
Citation: Davis, M. V., & MacDonald, F. (1961). The effectiveness of art in the junior high school general education program — an action research project. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 3(1), 67-71.
Download: Davis.31.pdf (1959 downloads )