Robert M. Morgan
Florida State University
Citation: Morgan, R. M. (1969). A review of developments in instructional technology. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 11(1), 93-112.
Download: Morgan.111.pdf (1026 downloads )
Robert M. Morgan
Florida State University
Citation: Morgan, R. M. (1969). A review of developments in instructional technology. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 11(1), 93-112.
Download: Morgan.111.pdf (1026 downloads )
Andrew J. Moore
Volusia County
Citation: Moore, A. J. (1969). A comparison of the achievement of pupils in a segregated negro school with that of similar pupils in an integrated school. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 11(1), 49-51.
Download: Moore.111.pdf (1993 downloads )
William G. Miller
University of South Florida
Citation: Miller, W. G. (1969). Ability grouping by multiple discriminant analysis. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 11(1), 25-37.
Download: Miller.111.pdf (1213 downloads )
Robert M. Laxer
University of Toronto
Jack Quarter
University of Toronto
Citation: Laxer, R. M., & Quater, J. (1969). Group counseling of high school underachievers. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 11(1), 77-81.
Download: Laxer.111.pdf (2097 downloads )
Elaine Falardeau Fuerst
Palm Beach County Schools
Citation: Fuerst, E. F. (1969). Non-promotion: a study of the relationship of pupil sex and age to first grade failure. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 11(1), 83-89.
Download: Fuerst.111.pdf (2016 downloads )