Issue: 1973 Volume 15

(11) Pupil Evaluations of Teacher Messages in Three Channels of Communication

Hannelore Wass
University of Florida

Abstract: This study explored pupils’ perception and integration of multi- channel information contained in teacher-to-pupil communications. A set of videotaped scenes was produced in which three female elementary teachers enacted messages with varied positive (praising, friendly), neutral (without valuative content), and negative (blaming, unfriendly) connotations in three channels of communication: verbal (content), vocal (tone of voice), and visual (facial expression. smile or frown). Three hundred seven elementary pupils in grades three to six were asked to rate these messages as either “Good,” “Bad,” or “Not Good – Not Bad.” Results indicate that the verbal channel has the strongest impact, determining 80 per cent of the pupils’ over-all evaluation of a teacher’s message. Differences between grades were found. showing decreasing influence of the verbal channel with advancing grades. Negative verbal messages are perceived with similar strength at all four grade levels. Non-verbal messages tend to strengthen or weaken verbal messages. When the verbal channel carries neutral messages more children in lower grades than in upper grades turn to non-verbal channels for valuative clues.

Citation: Wass, H. (1973). Pupil evaluations of teacher messages in three channels of communication. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 15(1), 46-52.

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(10) Intradimensional Validity and Interdimensional Compatibility as they Relate to Multidimensionality

A. Edward Uprichard
University of South Florida

Abstract: The recent proliferation of classroom observational systems creates a potential problem for educational researchers. For example, “how is a researcher to know if he has chosen an efficient system or systems for use in a particular design?” This paper assumes the position that to realize the greatest payoff when applying observational techniques certain conditions pertaining to the validity and scope of each system must be considered and met.

A multi-instrument approach, which is defined as the simultaneous use of more than one observational system, may best be served by utilizing only systems having “content,” “differential,” and “intradimensional (construct)” validity. In contrast, a multi-dimensional approach to be effective, must not only be concerned with the validity of the multidimensional system or unidimensional systems employed, but also with “interdimensionaI” compatibility. Unless these conditions are met, there may be serious questions regarding the degree of confidence that can be placed in the yielded data as well as the subsequent findings in studies using observational techniques.

Citation: Uprichard, A. E. (1973). Intradimensional validity and interdimensional compatibility as they relate to multidimensionality. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 15(1), 85-89.

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(9) Characteristics of Students Enrolled in Florida Post High School Occupational Education Programs

John M. Nickens
University of Florida

James L. Wattenbarger
University of Florida

Abstract: In order to study the characteristics of Florida’s Area Vocational Center (AVC) students. the Career Planning Profile (CPP) was administered to 1625 students at centers early in the fall term, 1970. A follow-up questionnaire was administered late in the spring term, 1971.

Analysis of responses showed the mean scores attained by
Florida AVC students to be lower than the national sample on the ability test of the CPP, and on female self-reported high school grade point averages; AVC students and the national sample were similar in self-estimate of skills and ability scores by educational program, AVC students exceeded national norms for non-academic competency and male self-reported high school grade point average.

Citation: Nickens, J. M., & Wattenbarger, J. L. (1973). Characteristics of students enrolled in Florida post high school occupational education programs. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 15(1), 57-68.

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(8) An Evaluation of the Satisfactory-Unsatisfactory Grading Option at Florida State University

Rick Nations
Sarasota Board of Public Instruction

Abstract: Fifty-two users and 52 non-users of the undergraduate pass-fail option at Florida State University were interviewed. A variety of reasons were given for electing the pass-fail option. These are discussed. The overall evidence is favorable for continued use of the option.

Citation: Nations, R. (1973). An evaluation of the satisfactory-unsatisfactory grading option at Florida state university. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 15(1), 69-78.

Download:  Nations.151.pdf (1825 downloads )

(7) A Study of Negro and White Low Socio-Economic Class Children on the Variables of Race, Sex and Kindergarten Attendance and on General Social Adjustment

Walter J. Musgrove
University of South Florida
St. Petersburg Campus

Mary G. Whitesides
Board of Public Instruction
Polk County, Florida

Abstract: A study was conducted to investigate the academic achievement of low socio-economic class Negro and white children on several variables. A control group without kindergarten experiences was established which was matched with the experirnental group to ascertain if the kindergarten program was a significant factor in the children’s achievement. Analysis of variance was employed to determine the main effects and interactions among race, sex, and kindergarten attendance. Teacher ratings were obtained on each student to evaluate in-school social adjustment and chi square was utilized to locate significant differences among the groups. The results showed the greatest differences in academic achievement could be traced to sex differences, but difference also appeared in specific language areas with race and kindergarten attendance interaction.

Citation: Musgrove, W. J., & Whitesides, M. G. (1973). A study of negro and white low socio-economic class children on the variables of race, sex and kindergarten attendance and on general social adjustment. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 15(1), 10-17.

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