Issue: 1987 Volume 29

(5) Intervention Coaching for Mathematics Implementation: A C-BAM Application for School Improvement

Lore A. Nielsen
Hillsborough County Public Schools

Susan Douglas Turner
Hillsborough County Public Schools

Abstract: A school improvement model intended to facilitate the implementation of a new mathematics curriculum in a large heterogeneous school district is described. The model is based primarily on the concepts and components of the Concerns-Based Adoption Model, and it includes theory and research findings from recent studies involving the role of the principal in the change process and supervisory coaching. Tentative findings indicate that the model is a viable one for bringing about change in the implementation of a new curriculum program.

Citation: Nielsen, L. A., & Turner, S. D. (1987). Intervention coaching for mathematics implementation: a C-BAM application for school improvement. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 29(1), 73-100.

Download:  Nielsen.291.pdf (985 downloads )

(4) The Effect of Test Speededness on the Validity of Reading Comprehension Scores

S. J. Jolly
Palm Beach County, Florida, Schools

R. Johnson
Palm Beach County, Florida, Schools

B. J. Jones
Palm Beach County, Florida, Schools

J. Abalos
Palm Beach County, Florida, Schools

G. W. Gramenz
Palm Beach County, Florida, Schools

Abstract: This study examined irregularities in reading comprehension (RC) test results at both the individual and aggregate level focusing on the effect of test speededness on test scores. Individual student and classroom score profiles were grouped on the basis of RC subtest completion rates. Groups that completed the RC subtest scored lower on other battery subtests (e.g., Language) than did those that did not complete the RC measure. Given these results, the test publisher agreed to generate norms based on the first 40 items of the 60-item RC sub- test, using the Rasch model. Rescoring the RC subtest with the 40-item norms substantially corrected score irregularities. The implications of these findings for test score validity are discussed.

Citation: Jolly, S. J., Johnson, R., Jones, B. J., Abalos, J., & Gramenz, G. W. (1987). The effect of Test speededness on the validity of reading comprehension scores. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 29(1), 39-54.

Download:  Jolly.291.pdf (1273 downloads )

(3) Teachers at Risk: A Profile of the Teacher Predisposed to Quit

Bruce W. Hall
University of South Florida

DeLos Carroll
University of South Florida

Abstract: Attrition in the teaching profession continues to be a major problem in Florida’s schools. A random sample of 310 teachers from a metropolitan school district in Florida anonymously responded to questions about their long range teaching plans, demographic characteristics, current work conditions, professional activities, and educational views. The responses of teachers who plan to quit teaching (31%) were compared with those who plan to remain teachers. Results show that those who contemplate quitting differ in several important ways from those who plan to continue.

Citation: Hall, B. W., & Carroll, D. (1987). Teachers at risk: a profile of the teacher predisposed to quit. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 29(1), 55-72.

Download:  Hall.291.pdf (1036 downloads )

(2) A Comfort Index for Statistical Inference-Making

James K. Brewer
Florida State University

Abstract: An index that measures the degree of comfort a researcher has relative to a statistical inference application is proposed. The index is calculated by selecting and weighting components inherent in the conduct of hypothesis tests and confidence intervals, and its values range from 0 to 1. Illustrations of calculating and interpreting the index using a published research report and the comparability of indices produced by several researchers from one ‘research report are described. Potential applications and limitations of the index are discussed.

Citation: Brewer, J. K. (1987). A comfort index for statistical inference-making. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 29(1), 5-29.

Download:  Brewer.291.pdf (1062 downloads )

(1) An Examination of CLAST Retake Performance: Is More Time an Advantage to Test Takers?

Marcia J. Belcher
Miami-Dade Community College

Eric Einspruch
Miami-Dade Community College

Abstract: The appropriateness of using time limits when measuring students’ competence is questionable. This study assessed whether students who had failed the College Level Academic Skills Test (CLAST) could improve their performance if allowed additional time on retaking the test. Because standardized time allotments for completing the CLAST subtests could not be altered for the study, only students retaking the reading and writing subtests were included. These students are allowed 70 minutes to complete one or both subtests. It was concluded that students allowed 70 minutes to retake the CLAST reading or writing subtest outperformed students who had only 35 minutes after adjustments were made for previous performance.

Citation: Belcher, M. J., & Einspruch, E. (1987). An examination of CLAST retake performance: is more time an advantage to test takers? Florida Journal of Educational Research, 29(1), 29-38.

Download:  Belcher.291.pdf (1879 downloads )