James Rigney
Amanda Pate
Tara Ferland
University of Florida
Over the preceding century, interest in teacher inquiry has ebbed and flowed, yet the teacher inquiry movement presents consistent themes that remain relevant to contemporary teachers, teacher educators, and scholars. This historical overview of teacher inquiry surfaces implications for practitioners today. It is presented in three eras: the recognition of the teacher as inquirer in the 1930s–1950s, the implications of the Civil Rights movement and the quest for excellence in the 1960s–1980s, and the resurgence of teacher inquiry in the “messy” 1990s and 2000s. The very earliest era of teacher inquiry demonstrates the importance of teacher autonomy and administrative support. The second era points to the place of inquiry in promoting social equity and excellence in education. The final era foregrounds the nonlinear nature of the inquiry process and the importance of collaboration among teacher inquirers.
Rigney, J., Pate, A., & Ferland, T. (2019). “Those who do not learn from history…”: Contemporary implications from the history of teacher inquiry. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 57(2), 122-132.
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