Stephen F. Olejnik
University of Georgia
James Algina
University of Florida
Abstract: The rank transformation approach to analysis of variance as a solution to the Behrens-Fisher problem is examined. Using simulation methodology four parameters were manipulated for the two group design: (1) ratio of.population variances; (2) distribution form; (3) sample size and (4) population mean difference. The results indicated that while the rank transform approach was less sensitive to variance inequality than the parametric ANOVA F-ratio, unacceptably high Type I error rates were obtained when cell frequencies and group variances were inversely related. With equal cell frequencies and/or when cell frequencies were directly related to group variances, appropriate Type I error rates were obtained. Under these conditions however, the Brown-Forsythe procedure for comparing, group· means provided greater power except when the sampled distribution was leptokurtic.
Citation: Olejnik, S. F., & Algina, J. (1985). Type I error rate and power of rank transform ANOVA when populations are non-normal and have equal variance. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 27(1), 61-82.
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