Joseph C. Saunders
South Carolina Department of Education
Dan L. Linton
South Carolina Department of Education
Abstract: Many important applications of criterion-referenced testing require that passing or cutting scores be established. One class of procedures for setting passing scores involves the judgments of subject-matter experts. This study investigated the effect on passing scores of providing judges with pass/fail data for the various possible cut-score levels. Passing scores produced by individual judges using a modified version of the Angoff (1971) procedure are compared with the same judges’ passing scores as revised after considering pass/fail data. For the seven cases studied, no consistent effect was seen on the level of passing score averaged across judges. However, a consistent reduction in the variability of passing scores among judges was observed. Judges with more extreme Angoff passing scores tended to become more moderate in their judgments after considering pass/fail information.
Citation: Saunders, J. C., & Linton, D. L. (1985). The effect of examinee pass/fail information on the level of passing score set by expert judges. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 27(1), 5-18.
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