(3) The Effects of Integrated Interdisciplinary Classroom Instruction on a School-Based Smoking Program

Greg Jordan
University of South Florida


This study examines the implementation and effectiveness of a pilot interdisciplinary tobacco awareness/education and decision-making skills program for public and private middle grade students (grades 5-8) mandated for sixth graders for the school year 1999/2000 by the Florida Department of Health Office of Tobacco Control. This program was designed to be implemented by regular classroom teachers in a variety of subject specialties, and so incorporated an interdisciplinary, integrated approach to learning as well as theories of cognitive flexibility and situated learning. Students’ knowledge, attitudes, and decision-making skills about tobacco use were examined both before and after involvement in the program in order to determine the amount of impact the program made on students.


Jordan, G. (2004). The effects of integrated interdisciplinary classroom instruction on a school-based smoking program. Florida Journal of Educational Research42(1), 41-70.

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