(5) A Portrait of School Improvement Efforts Across Florida High Schools: A Content Analysis of 1993-94 Blueprint 2000 School Improvement Plans

Susan N. Kushner
University of Akron

Lou M. Carey
University of South Florida

Jeffrey D. Kromrey
University of South Florida

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to describe the content of the 1993-94 school improvement plans that Florida high schools submitted in response to the mandates of Blueprint 2000. The 271 high schools in the state were blocked by geographic region and a proportional random sample of plans was collected from each region. Conventional content analysis methods were used to describe the content of the plans. Kaufman’s Organizational Elements Model was used as a framework for considering the resources, processes, and anticipated results of Florida’s school improvement efforts.

Citation: Kushner, S. N., Carey, L. M., & Kromrey, J. D. (1996). A portrait of school improvement efforts across Florida high schools: a content analysis of 1993-94 blueprint 2000 school improvement plans. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 36(1), 1-22.

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