Archives: Articles

IssueM Articles

(4) School Culture: Perspectives from Taiwanese and South Floridian Educators

Patrice R. LeBlanc
Nova Southeastern University

Abstract: The study compared Taiwanese and South Floridian educators’ perspectives on school culture. Participants were enrolled in a master of science program in Educational Leadership at a South Florida university. They completed a survey designed to assess the beliefs and values inherent in school culture Both quantitative and qualitative survey data, when interpreted using the literature in the field, provided insights into the participants’ curriculum and instruction decisions. In addition, the research value of the survey used was affirmed. Also, codes established to describe the micro-level of school culture have potential for expansion into a framework to enhance theory development.

Citation: LeBlanc, P. R. (1997). School culture: perspectives from taiwanese and south Floridian educators. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 37(1), 17-34.

Download:  LeBanc.371.pdf (862 downloads )


(3) Blueprint 2000 Student Performance Standards: What Variables Correlate with Teacher Perceptions of Goal 3?

Rich Janiak
Charlotte County Public Schools

Abstract: Many previous educational reform efforts have ultimately failed to meet initial expectations. One critical factor, easily over-looked in the reform process, is teacher attitude. Using attitude theory and research on teacher attitudes, instruments were developed to measure teacher attitudes toward the Blueprint 2000 student performance standards and student assessment procedures. A sample of 138 teachers completed a survey measuring attitudes toward Goal 3 standards and type of assessment. Teachers rated the standards as being important instructional objectives, and a moderate correlation between attitude toward performance based assessment and attitude toward Goal 3 standards was observed. Implications are discussed.

Citation: Janiak, R. (1997). Blueprint 2000 student performance standards: what variables correlate with teacher perceptions of goal 3? Florida Journal of Educational Research, 37(1), 35-48.

Download:  Janiak.371.pdf (912 downloads )

(2) Maximizing Student Learning with the Use of Random Oral Questioning in the College Classroom

Hettie J. Buck
Florida Institute of Technology

Abstract: This research study investigated the effectiveness of random oral questioning during class lectures and discussions to promote consistent preparation, active participation and higher course achievement among undergraduate students. Treatment subjects were called upon by name to answer questions pertaining to assigned readings or the current topic of discussion. Control subjects were permitted to answer identical questions on a voluntary basis. The effect of random oral questioning across varying levels of self-regulated learning was also investigated, as was the effectiveness of the technique in reducing measured levels of student classroom communication apprehension. Treatment subjects obtained significantly higher levels of course achievement than did control subjects, indicating the benefits of the instructional method. The “simplicity” of random oral questioning may facilitate widespread implementation of the technique at the undergraduate level.

Citation: Buck, H. J. (1997). Maximizing student learning with the use of random oral questioning in the college classroom. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 37(1), 69-80.

Download:  Buck.371.pdf (967 downloads )

(1) Effect of Field-Based Technology Laboratory on Preservice Teachers’ Knowledge, Attitudes, and Infusion of Technology

Arlene Brett
University of Miami

Okhee Lee
University of Miami

Linda Sorhaindo
University of Miami

Abstract: Teacher competence in technology is a major focus of current teacher education reform. This study examined the impact of a field-based technology laboratory on preservice teachers’ knowledge and use of computers, attitudes toward computers, and understanding of infusion of technology. The study involved 105 teacher education students: 58 in the experimental group and 47 in the control group. ANCOVA results showed significant differences between groups in the use of data bases and instructional software. Qualitative analysis of students’ journal entries revealed changes in understanding of infusion of technology. Results suggest field based technology laboratory can be an effective way to introduce preservice teachers to the potential of technology in classroom instruction.

Citation: Brett, A., Lee, O., & Sorhaindo, L. (1997). Effect of field-based technology laboratory on preservice teachers’ knowledge, attitudes, and infusion of technology. Florida Journal of Educational Technology, 37(1), 1-16.

Download:  Brett.371.pdf (912 downloads )

(6) The Impact of Middle School Reform Initiatives on Student Achievement and Retention in a Florida Magnet School

L. Carolyn Pearson
University of West Florida

Janet K. Pilcher
University of West Florida

Linda A. Weeks
University of West Florida

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of a magnet middle school’s reform initiatives on retention, 8th grade writing achievement for the full implementation year, and standardized achievement scores for students who attended Brown Barge Middle School for three consecutive years. Retention rate, writing skills, and standardized test achievement scores in six areas were examined. Results indicated a high retention rate and an increase in writing achievement for students. Standardized test scores indicated a significant increase in reading, science, and social studies achievement. There was a significant decrease in math achievement.

Citation: Pearson, L. C., Pilcher, J. K., & Weeks, L. A. (1996). The impact of middle school reform initiatives on student achievement and retention in a Florida magnet school. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 36(1), 33-40.

Download:  Pearson.361.pdf (1310 downloads )