Archives: Articles

IssueM Articles

(9) Relationship Between Meaninglessness and School Achievement

Donald E. Myers
Nova University

Abstract: This study tested the relationship between meaninglessness and school achievement of eighth grade students. Meaninglessness (Seeman, American Sociological Review, 1959) scores were determined by a 10-item Likert scale constructed from student interviews. Factor analysis verified unidimensionality. School achievement {mean grade) was determined from three quarters of the school year in each of four subjects: English, mathematics, social science, and science. Ability (math and verbal) was measured by the Ohio Survey Test. Multiple linear regression used ability (verbal for social science and English; math for science and math), meaninglessness and a multiplicative term (ability x meaninglessness) as predictor variables and mean grade by subject as the criterion variables. Meaninglessness score predicted grades (except math) significantly (p=.05) better than ability alone.

Citation: Myers, D. E. (1972). Relationship between meaninglessness and school achievement. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 14(1), 79-87.

Download:  Myers.141.pdf (1728 downloads )

(8) A Study of Changes in Self-Report Concerning Cultural Bias and Openness Toward Change Among Desegregation Workshop Participants

John A. Jones
Alachua County Schools (Fla.)

Abstract: The sixty five teachers who attended a desegregation workshop were administered two instruments which attempted to measure cultural bias and openness toward change. Upon factor analysis the Curriculum Change Measure yielded 14 factors. Comparisons of pre-test and post-test results showed that small changes had occurred in the desired direction, as measured by the Cultural Differentiation Measure and the Curriculum Change Measure.

Citation: Jones, J. A. (1972). A study of changes in self-report concerning cultural bias and openness toward change among desegregation workshop participants. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 14(1), 23-37.

Download:  Jones.141.pdf (1187 downloads )

(7) Arithmetic Computation Comparison in Traditional and Innovative Schools

Earl F. Hughes
Nova University

Abstract: In this study, arithmetic computation was the criterion variable in a comparison between an innovative and two traditional schools. The innovative school differed from the traditionalschools as it placed specific emphasis on fostering independent learning by including the students in individual academic decisions.

A single-classification analysis of covariance was used to com- pare the three schools with arithmetic concepts as the covariate and arithmetic computation as the criterion variable. The analysis resulted in a significant difference between schools. The major contribution to the difference carrie from one of the traditional schools performing better in arithmetic computation than either the other traditional school or the innovative school. The traditional school that was high on computation scores was lower than the innovative and the other traditional school on the arithmetic concept measure.

Citation: Hughes, E. F. (1972). Arithmetic computation comparison in traditional and innovative schools. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 14(1), 59-70.

Download:  Hughes.141.pdf (1146 downloads )

(6) Effects of Social Modeling on Classroom Performance

Michael S. Heffernan

Steven R. Forness

Abstract: The effects of peer modeling on academic task attention were examined in three subjects using a single- subject research design. Models we re chosen on the basis of playground observations and introduced for brief periods in the classroom near the target subjects. Positive effects were present in two subjects, but adverse effects were found in the third. Differential uses of modeling techniques in the classroom were discussed.

Citation: Heffernan, M. S., & Forness, S. R. (1972). Effects of social modeling on classroom performance. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 14(1), 3-9.

Download:  Heffernan.141.pdf (1645 downloads )

(5) The Multidimensional Assessment of Gains in School (MAGS): A Consumer-Oriented Product

Wilson H. Guertin
University of Florida

William H. Graves
University of Oklahoma

Abstract: An instrument is described which measures gains in the social, attitudinal, and motivational areas for fifth grade school children. Total gain is based upon consumer-specified weights for the factor analytically derived subscale scores.

Citation: Guertin, W. H., & Graves, W. H. (1972). The multidimensional assessment of gains in school (MAGS): a consumer-oriented product. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 14(1), 16-22.

Download:  Guertin1.141.pdf (1629 downloads )