Archives: Articles

IssueM Articles

(1) Editors’ Introduction: Taking the Journal into a New Century of Educational Research

Jeffrey D. Kromrey
University of South Florida

Ann E. Barron
University of South Florida

James A. White
University of South Florida

Melinda R. Hess
University of South Florida

Citation: Kromrey, J. D., Barron, A. E., White, J. A., & Hess, M. R. (2000). Editors’ introduction: Taking the journal into a new century of educational research. Florida Journal of Educational Research40(1), 1-4.

Download:  Kromrey.401.pdf (1785 downloads )

(2) Perception of Scientific Literacy and Elementary Teacher Preparation Held by Science Professors and Science Education Professors

Carolyn Koeval Thurmond
University of Miami

Okhee Lee
University of Miami

Abstract: The study examined the perceptions of scientific literacy and elementary teacher preparation held by science professors and science education professors. Participants were 31 professors, including 16 life and physical science professors and 15 elementary science education professors, from nine state universities in a southeastern state. Data were collected through telephone interviews and course documents. Professors, as a group, tended to define scientific literacy and its components in a comprehensive manner, which was generally consistent with the National Science Education Standards and Project 2061. However, science professors emphasized science knowledge more strongly than other components of scientific literacy; whereas, science education professors emphasized science inquiry. Although both groups indicated that elementary school teachers were generally unprepared to teach science, science professors often attributed teachers’ lack of preparation to teachers themselves; whereas, science education professors often attributed it to universities. Implications for promoting scientific literacy in elementary schools are discussed.

Citation: Thurmond, C. K., & Lee, O. (2000). Perceptions of scientific literacy and elementary teacher preparation held by science professors and science education professors. Florida Journal of Educational Research40(1), 5-27.

Download:  Thurmond.401.pdf (959 downloads )

(4) Defining Moral Leadership: Perspectives of 12 Leaders

Nancy L. Maldonado

Candace H. Lacey

Abstract: The purpose of this qualitative study was to hear the voices of contemporary moral leaders regarding their definitions of moral leadership and the actions and behaviors that frame this type of leadership. Participants for this phenomenological study were selected by graduate students using a researcher-developed rating scale. Participants included six females and six males. Data were analyzed using content analysis. Findings indicate participants defined moral leadership as leading by example, taking a stand, speaking out, calling forth the best in others, and/or following one’s own and/or prescribed definitions of right and wrong. The participants identified certain qualities as constituting moral and ethical characteristics. These include humility, listening, and personal truthfulness as well as actions related to justice. Based on the findings of this study, recommendations for future research suggest focusing on a more diverse group of identified moral leaders.

Citation: Maldonado, N. L., & Lacey, C. H. (2001). Defining moral leadership: Perspectives of 12 leaders. Florida Journal of Educational Research41(4), 79-101.

Download:  Maldanado.411.pdf (1083 downloads )

(3) Improving Middle School Mathematics Achievement in Florida:Voices from the Field

Gladis Kersaint
University of South Florida

Denisse R. Thompson
University of South Florida

Abstract: This article reports findings of a research project funded by the Florida Department of Education to determine the key elements of a successful middle school mathematics program, the barriers to the implementation of such a program in Florida’s schools, and possible ways to overcome the barriers. Input from Florida stakeholders was elicited during seven regional focus group meetings. Additionally, stakeholder perceptions were augmented with published literature about the issues they identified. Despite the varied educational environments in which focus group participants engage, there was remarkable consensus in their views about the issues and concerns facing middle school mathematics achievement in Florida.

Citation: Kersaint, G., & Thompson, D. R. (2001). Improving middle school mathematics achievement in Florida: Voices from the field. Florida Journal of Educational Research41(3), 43-78.

Download:  Kersaint.411.pdf (1092 downloads )

(2) A Series of Studies Examining the Florida Board of Regents’ Course Evaluation Instrument

Tary L. Wallace
University of Central Florida

Lynn Grinnell
University of South Florida

Lou M. Carey
University of South Florida

Robert F. Dedrick
University of South Florida

John M. Ferron
University of South Florida

Kathleen A. Dailey
University of South Florida

Dorian Vizcain
University of South Florida

James A.White
University of South Florida

Abstract: This research examined the psychometric properties (e.g., factor structure, reliability) of the Florida Board of Regents Student Assessment of Instruction instrument and the relation between various factors (adaptations for distance education, initial expectations, time, non-instructional factors, and response scale format) and students’ course evaluations. Data were collected from 631 students in an undergraduate course in educational assessment and in graduate courses in educational technology, language arts, and library science at various times during the semester. Results for the course evaluations reflected a one-factor model and internal consistency reliabilities greater than .90. No significant differences in students’ course evaluation ratings emerged across time during the semester, students’ first and last day ratings of a course, non-instructional factor,( excluding hours employed), or response scale formats.

Citation: Wallace, T. L., Grinnell, L., Carey, L. M., Dedrick, R. F., Ferron, J. M., Dailey, K. A., Vizcain, D., & White, J. A. (2001). A series of studies examining the Florida Board Of Regents’ course evaluation instrument. Florida Journal of Educational Research41(2), 14-42.

Download:  Wallace.411.pdf (1185 downloads )