Issue: 1998 Volume 38

(6) I Hope that I am not Anxious About Using the Library: The Relationship Between Hope and Library Anxiety Among Graduate Students

Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie
Valdosta State University

Qun G. Jiao
Baruch College
The City University of New York

Abstract: Library anxiety has been found to be a multidimensional phenomenon which can debilitate performance among graduate students. Yet, only recently has empirical research been undertaken in this area. However, it appears that library anxiety often occurs when goals are not met. Since hope is a cognitive set which consists of level of goal-directed determination (agency) and the propensity to plan ways to achieve goals (pathways), the purpose of this study was to investigate whether hope is related to library anxiety. Participants were 109 graduate students enrolled in several sections of an educational research course. A canonical correlation analysis indicated that students who have the poorest sense of successful determination in relation to their goals, and who have the least positive appraisals of their ability to generate ways to overcome goal-related obstacles and to reach their goals, tend to have the highest level of library anxiety associated with comfort with the library and knowledge of the library. Also, students with the poorest sense of successful goal-related determination tend to have the highest level of library anxiety associated with barriers with staff, affective barriers, comfort with the library, knowledge of the library, and mechanical barriers. Based on these findings, it is recommended that researchers investigate whether interventions aimed at agency and pathways help to reduce levels of library anxiety.

Citation: Onwuegbusie, A. J., & Jiao, Q. G. (1998). I hope that I am not anxious about using the library: the relationship between hope and library anxiety among graduate students. Florida School of Educational Research, 38(1), 13-26.

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(5) Physical Educators’ and Other Majors’ Experiences in a College of Education and Their Attitudes Toward Interacting Across Gender and Race

Peg Nugent
National-Louis University

Nell Faucette
University of South Florida

Jeffrey Kromrey
University of South Florida

Abstract: This study compared the demographics of male and female preservice educators college-wide and PE majors and Non-PE majors by gender in a large urban southeast college of education. In addition, female and male PE and Non-PE majors’ experiences in the college as well as their attitudes toward interacting with students different from themselves in terms of gender or race were explored. Late spring, early fall 1993, 491 undergraduates across the college completed a 150 item survey. For this analysis, data were collected through 62 items involving demographics, “problems students may be encountering,” and students’ willingness to interact with other students different from themselves by gender and/or race at varying levels of social closeness. According to the results, females in the college continue to congregate in stereotypical domains such as elementary and special education while males continue to dominate specializations such as physical education and secondary education – domains that can serve as feeder systems to administrative and higher paying positions. PE majors were younger and less heterogeneous in age than other majors in the college. They also had lower high school GPAs than Non-PE majors. However, at the university, PE majors’ GP As were similar to Non-majors. Both groups were predominantly Caucasian. Overall, problems identified were scored relatively low with those related to educational expenses, financial assistance, and advising emerging among the highest for both PE and Non-PE majors although PE majors reported fewer problems. In addition, unlike the male pre service educators in both groups, females identified school-related stress as somewhat problematic for them. Regarding social distance, both male and female students were quite willing to interact closely with others different from themselves both in terms of gender or racial/ethnic origin. Overall, the male PE majors were the least willing to socialize with others different from themselves.

Citation: Nugent, P., Faucette, N., & Kromrey, J. (1998). Physical educators’ and other majors’ experiences in a college of education and their attitudes toward interacting across gender and race. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 38(1), 49-64.

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(4) Innovations in Mentoring: Creating Partnership Links in a Florida School-University Collaborative

Carol A. Mullen
Auburn University

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to invite school and university faculty to participate in an action study of mentoring to promote deeper, more extensive partnership links. A faculty support group was formed in 1997 to promote professional development within the school-university collaborative at The Florida State University (FSU) and The Florida State University School (FSUS). Through an applied study of mentoring, a diverse group of teachers, professors, and administrators was guided to make a contribution to teacher research and the mentoring literature. Members of the Partnership Support Group (PSG) produced original research material that was published as an edited book. This discussion is organized to emphasize the purpose and scope of the study; the sociopolitical framework that underscored its implementation; strategies for developing co- mentoring research and group structures; and assessments and results.

Citation: Mullen, C. A. (1998). Innovations in mentoring: creating partnership links in a Florida school-university collaborative. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 38(1), 27-36.

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(3) Merit Pay for Productivity: Does It Work?

James Messerschmidt
University of West Florida

Lee Droegemueller
University of West Florida

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine what impact the 1995-1996 State University System’s Teacher Incentive Program (TIP) had on the University of West Florida faculty members’ motivation to become more effective and productive teachers. Two separate and distinct instruments were utilized to gather data to address the study’s research questions and statistical hypothesis. Results of this study indicate that TIP did not motivate most faculty members to improve the quality of their teaching; TIP selection was based entirely on productivity and not an objective measurement of teaching ability; there was a strong link between productivity and winning the award; TIP motivated faculty members to increase their teaching load in order to be eligible for the award; and TIP has a negative effect on the morale of faculty members.

Citation: Messerschmidt, J., & Drogemueller, L. (1998). Merit pay for productivity: does it work? Florida Journal of Educational Research, 38(1), 37-48.

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(2) Are Tip Award Teachers Really Expert Teachers?

Jeffrey D. Kromrey
University of South Florida

Kathryn L. Laframboise
University of South Florida

Daniel M. Purdom
University of South Florida

Abstract: The TIP application portfolio narratives of39 award winning faculty members were analyzed for statements congruent with the prototype model of teaching expertise suggested by Sternberg and Horvath (1995). Faculty participants were selected from a college of education and a college of arts and sciences at a large Florida university. A content analysis of the narratives revealed faculty descriptions of personal teaching philosophies and practices that are congruent with most aspects of the Sternberg and Horvath model. Evidence of knowledge and efficiency was readily obtained from the narratives, but evidence of insight was seen much less frequently. Additionally, the narratives suggested important aspects of teaching expertise that are not represented in the Sternberg and Horvath model.

Citation: Kromrey, J. D., Laframboise, K. L., & Purdom, D. M. (1998). Are tip award teachers really expert teachers? Florida Journal of Educational Research, 38(1), 65-74.

Download: Kromfrey.381.pdf (996 downloads )