Benjamin H. Bailey
West Virginia University
Citation: Bailey, B. H. (1960). Personality rigidity, patterns of operation and leadership effectiveness of secondary school principals. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 2(1), 1-7.
Download: Bailey.21.pdf (1107 downloads )
Marian Watkins Black
Florida State University
Citation: Black, M. W. (1960). The contributions of the Peabody Education Fund to the development of education in Florida 1867-1900. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 2(1), 9-22.
Download: Black.21.pdf (5329 downloads )
(1) Graduation Requirements in Public Schools
Robert W. Sims
Florida State Department of Education
Citation: Sims, R.W. (1960). Graduation requirements in public schools. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 1(1), 79-83.
Download: Sims.21-1.pdf (1650 downloads )
Edward Caldwell
Manatee County
Citation: Caldwell, E. (1960). A report on the scholastic attainment and plans of academically talented sophomores at Manatee High School, Fall, 1958. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 2(1), 23-26.
Download: Caldwell.21.pdf (1874 downloads )
Harmon R. Pierce
Washington County
Leon E. Rice
Washington County
Citation: Pierce, H. R., & Rice, L. E. (1960). A survey of changes in achievement levels of ninth-grade pupils in Washington County white schools, 1948-1958. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 2(1), 47-52.
Download: Pierce.21-1.pdf (1636 downloads )
(6) The Effect of Interesting and Noninteresting Copy Material on Speed and Accuracy in Typewriting
Glenna A. Dodson
University of Florida
Citation: Dodson, G. A. (1960). (6) The effect of interesting and noninteresting copy material on speed and accuracy in typewriting. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 2(1), 27-36.
Download: Dodson.21.pdf (1012 downloads )
(7) A Technique for Determining Problem Areas for General Education in the Secondary School
Jean Victoria Marani
Sarasota County
Citation: Marani, J. V. (1960). A technique for determining problem areas for general education in the secondary school. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 2(1), 37-46.
Download: Marani.21.pdf (924 downloads )
Elizabeth N. Plowden
Bainbridge High School
Bainbridge, Georgia
Citation: Plowden, E. N. (1960). (8) A comparison of the vocabulary levels of secondary school students having Latin and not having Latin. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 2(1), 53-59.
Download: Plowden.21.pdf (1295 downloads )
(9) Some Historical Advocates of Public Schools
Robert E. Potter
University of Florida
Citation: Potter, R. E. (1960). Some historical advocates of public schools. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 2(1), 61-69.
Download: Potter.21.pdf (971 downloads )
(10) Significant Citizenship Behaviors: Childrens’ Perceptions Compared with Adults’
Morris G. Sica
State University Teachers College
New Paltz, New York
Citation: Sica, M. G. (1960). Significant citizenship behaviors: childrens’ perceptions compared with adults’. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 2(1), 71-77.
Download: Sica.21.pdf (1184 downloads )
Howard W. Stoker
Florida State University
Russell P. Kropp
Florida State University
Citation: Stoker, H. W., & Kropp, R. P. (1960). The predictive validities and factorial content of the Florida state-wide ninth-grade testing program battery
Download: Stoker.21.pdf (1042 downloads )
(12) Pupil Mobility and Adjustment
Walter D. Smith
Winthrop College
South Carolina
John S. Demming
Palm Beach County, Fla.
Citation: Smith, W. D., & Demming, J. S. (1960). Pupil mobility and adjustment. Florida Journal of Educational Research, 2(1), 85-103.
Download: Walter.21.pdf (1309 downloads )